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Star Package- 1-8x10, 2-5x7 & 8-wallets - $48.00
Regular Package- 2-5x7 and 8 wallets - $38.00
Cheap Pack- 1- 5x7 and 4-wallets - $27.00
Color Adjusted Digital File (8x10@300dpi) - $65.00
1-11x14 Photo - $40.00
8" X 10" Enlargement - $35.00
3 - 5" x 7" Prints - $45.00
2- 5"X7" Photographs - $35.00
5" X 7" Enlargement - $22.00
8 Wallet Prints - $25.00
4"X6" Performance Photo - $12.00
Custom Poster Photo_4-9 images @ $12.00 per image - $12.00
CUSTOM POSTER (Min of 10 images @ $9.00 ea) - $9.00
2 - Photo Buttons - $12.00
2010 Wall Calendar - $28.00
Photo Mug - $26.50
White T-Shirt with this image (State Size) - $35.00
8 x 10 Statuette - $46.50
Emailed Digi-File_4x6@150dpi-for Social Media Uses - $9.95
CD of All Images - this Performance (includes copy - $320.00
Bag Tag_Front - $10.00
Bag Tag Back - $10.00
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2011 Mid-West CG Championship PERFORMANCES (E152)
4/2/2011 - 4/3/2011
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Allegience Cadets
Allegience RA
Armada A \ Finals
Armada A \ Pre-lims
Armada Cadet
AWARDS \ Saturday
AWARDS \ Sunday
Bettendorf \ Finals
Bettendorf \ Pre-lims
Cadets of Independence
Carl Sandburg \ Finals
Carl Sandburg \ Pre-lims
Chesterton Cadet
Chesterton SA \ Finals
Chesterton SA \ Pre-lims
DC Everest
Downers Grove South \ Finals
Downers Grove South \ Pre-lims
Fond Du Lac
Greendale Cadet
Heritage of McKendree University \ Finals
Heritage of McKendree University \ Pre-lims
Hersey \ Finals
Hersey \ Pre-lims
Images of NCHS
Independence A \ Finals
Independence A \ Pre-lims
Lake Central SO \ Finals
Lake Central SO \ Pre-lims
Lake Central SRA
Lake Park SA \ Finals
Lake Park SA \ Pre-lims
Lake Park SO \ Finals
Lake Park SO \ Pre-lims
LaPorte \ Finals
LaPorte \ Prelims
Legends \ Finals
Legends \ Prelims
Lincoln-Way Central SO \ Finals
Lincoln-Way Central SO \ Prelims
Lincoln-Way Central SRA
Marian Catholic \ Finals
Marian Catholic \ Prelims
Minooka 1 \ Finals
Minooka 1 \ Prelims
Minooka 2
Naperville Central \ Finals
Naperville Central \ Prelims
Niles West
Novella D
Plainfield RA
Plainfield SA \ Finals
Plainfield SA \ Prelims
Purdue University \ Finals
Purdue University \ Prelims
Richwoods \ Finals
Richwoods \ Prelims
South Shore 2 \ Finals
South Shore 2 \ Prelims
South Shore Drill Team \ Finals
South Shore Drill Team \ Prelims
St Charles North
Stagg \ Finals
Stagg \ Prelims
Stepperette Cadets
Velocity \ Finals
Velocity \ Prelims
Venice Effect \ Finals
Venice Effect \ Prelims
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